Thursday, March 31, 2005
Photoalbum generator
Keyword: photospace blogger
Wednesday, March 30, 2005
cute ascii girl
::*:: ,;;ノノノノハ) / ::: だいじょうぶ、ののはかんぬしれす
:: 川 ´ⅴ`)./ :*::
: ⊂ ゞ ソ〉つ :::: ..
:*: |__|三※|/_| .:: .. ::*::
::: |;|;|;|;|;| .: .:::: :::
: ┗`┗` .:
Tuesday, March 29, 2005
( ( ( ヽ ヽ ( )
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AscII Faces
( ・∀・)ノ ( ´・ω・)ノ ( `・ω・)ノ ( ´∀`)ノ ( ゚∀゚)ノ ( ゚Д゚)ノ ヽ(`Д´)ノ
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Sunday, March 27, 2005
Another free Windows X-server
Jan's Tech Blog
Saturday, March 26, 2005
Break my gentoo!
最近 Gentoo 的變動還真多....
剛剛才把 kernel 重新 compile 一次,gentoo-dev-sources 2.6.11-r4 已經把 inotify patch 直接加進去了,對我這種不喜歡手動 patch 的懶人很剛好。而且既然 official 把 inotify 加進去應該就有一定的穩定度了...
既然有 inotify,就要正確的使用它的威力嘍! ^^
第一步就是把老舊的 fam 還掉!
不過既然有 inotify,不知道為什麼 official 不把 gamin 放到 stable....(Fedora 早就直接用 gamin 嘍!)
對我這種不太喜歡用 ~x86 的人有點小不爽...
anyway.... 我還是給它用了! XD
emerge unmerge fam
rc-update del famd default
ACCEPT_KEYWORDS="~x86" emerge gamin
gamin 是 user space 的,所以不必以 init script 來起動,emerge 完就可以直接用了!^^
我現在略用的感覺是比 fam 好很多,在 nautilus 下開檔案比 fam 快,而且不會像以前 fam 會讓硬碟吱吱叫,穩定很多。
下一步,Beagle!又要用更多的 ~x86 了!(~抖)
汪汪! 小狗來了!
超~~~~酷的! 一切都是即時跟新!
The picture says it all!
甚至還可以跟 Firefox 結合 (加 Firefox Beagle extension 後)!
小狗護駕後 Gnome 已經完美了! :p
Thursday, March 24, 2005
Got an Audigy or Extigy? Creative owes you money.
Wednesday, March 23, 2005
13 things that do not make sense
13 things that do not make sense
Kind of fun.
Tuesday, March 22, 2005
Monday, March 21, 2005
Yahoo buys Vancouver photo company to expand 'social networking' services
Rachel Konrad
Canadian Press
Monday, March 21, 2005
SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - Yahoo Inc. is acquiring a Canadian photo-sharing company that lets people share digital images with select groups or the whole world, expanding its portfolio of self-publishing and "social networking" services.
The startup, Flickr Inc., lets people upload digital photos from computers and camera phones, publish photos in their blogs, share digital photo albums with anyone else who uses the service, and alert other users whenever they upload a new photo or album.
Neither Sunnyvale, Calif.-based Yahoo nor Vancouver-based Flickr would disclose terms of the acquisition, which was completed last Friday.
Flickr, which offers a free beta product on its website, reassured members Monday that Yahoo wants to keep Flickr's management team and preserve the "flavour" of its online community.
"It means that we'll no longer have to draw straws to see who gets paid," one Flickr worker wrote Monday in a post to the startup's official blog. "The best thing is we no longer have to worry about finance, HR, legal, or things at which we are completely incompetent and were taking our time away from building Flickr."
The company's slogan is, "This isn't your grandfather's photo-sharing site," and photos are categorized in unique ways. Numerous albums are devoted to confusing street signs. Others focus on Halloween costumes or pets.
There's even a section dedicated to dog muzzles.
The acquisition, first reported by CNET on Sunday, is only the latest investment in social networking services by e-commerce powerhouses.
Search engine Google Inc. quietly launched social networking site Orkut earlier this year, and Silicon Valley venture capitalists are lavishing funding on networking sites such as Friendster, Evite and Meetup.
Last week, Yahoo launched a service called "Yahoo 360" that lets users share tips on local restaurants and watering holes, and share personal reviews of movies, books, music albums, hiking trails or anything else.
Social networking sites strive to connect strangers based on common interests or careers. They generally require users to register and provide personal data such as what they like to do in their spare time, where they live, where they hang out, what they do for a living, where they went to college, or what type of movies or music they enjoy.
The sites then provide links to other people with similar profiles, so like-minded users can get in touch with each other by e-mail or instant message. Unlike other facets of e-commerce, which emphasize virtual communication, social networking sites generally use the Internet to facilitate face-to-face meetings.
Flickr will remain a stand-alone unit of Yahoo for at least several months, but eventually Yahoo might incorporate its services into existing products.
The site includes more than 5.5 million photos but does not disclose how many people have subscribed to the service.
"It's definitely a part of what we see as the next generation of Web services," Yahoo spokeswoman Joanna Stevens said Monday. "We're very excited about integrating the community and technology that Flickr has into new product ideas."
My comment: Wow, I didn't know that Flickr is a Vancouver based company.
Sunday, March 20, 2005
[bookmark]: Add your URL to Google
[bookmark]: Mac OS X wallpaper
很多 Mac OS X wallpaper 都可以在這邊找到:
尤其是那個 panther aquablue看起來很高級。
E17 movie
[anime]: ultimate girl 9
[anime]: Mezzo TV series
那麼大針筒,還擠出水來... 哇勒....
噢~ (我自己的聲音!) 畫這個是幹嘛的!??? 跟故事沒關系吧!不是普通級的嘛!???
(傳說中的草莓!)要不是因為 screenshot,我還不知道那個是草莓勒!不知道還好,知道後我就.....
Friday, March 18, 2005
GUI history
Tuesday, March 08, 2005
[anime]: ultimate girl 7-8
[bookmark]: Linux Internationalization HOWTO
Monday, March 07, 2005
[bookmark]: GMail account image
Ok, just type "gmail signautre graphic" on Google and you will get whole bunch.